On Friday, 14 April 2017 at 08:24:00 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
I've got this code duplicated in quite some functions:


            foreach (MethodType; overloads)
                // function dependent code here

What's the idiomatic way to refactor / reuse this code fragment?

-- Johannes

Your options are at least the following two (both untested, but should work):

Option 1: Template Mixins

mixin template Foo(alias API, Dg)
    void foo()
             foreach (MethodType; overloads)

mixin Foo!(API, (MethodType) {
// function dependent code here

Option 2: Code generation using CTFE

string genFoo(alias API, string justDoIt)
    import std.array : appender;
    auto code = appender!string;
    code.put(`foreach (MethodType; overloads) {`);
    code put(`}`);

mixin(genFoo!(API, q{
    // function dependent code here

Personally, I'd consider the second approach to be idiomatic, but YMMW.

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