On Friday, 28 April 2017 at 09:25:31 UTC, John Chapman wrote:
On Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 20:20:23 UTC, Nierjerson wrote:

I think the main issue though, is that I really don't know what is going on when I invoke the PS function. It seems to call the server method that takes the interface and then the server does it's "magic"(which is calling my QueryInterface) but how the implemented QueryInterface is suppose to respond is beyond me... I've tried some based stuff but nothing seem to work. The good news is that it is doing something(calling QueryInterface) which means that the server is at work.

Any more ideas? I think the issue currently is is the QueryInterface(it is simply not doing what it is suppose to). I'll probably have to look at some other implementations to see what is going on.

QueryInterface is COM's version of opCast. It asks if you support the interface represented by an IID (riid). If you don't, then you return E_NOINTERFACE. If you do, then you point the result (pvObject) to yourself and return S_OK. Here's a basic implementation:

HRESULT QueryInterface(IID* riid, void** pvObject) {
  if (pvObject is null) return E_POINTER;
  *pvObject = null;

if (*riid == IID_IUnknown) *pvObject = cast(void*)cast(IUnknown)this; else if (*riid == IID_IDispatch) *pvObject = cast(void*)cast(IDispatch)this;
  // and so on for all interfaces we support

  if (*pvObject is null) return E_NOINTERFACE;
  return S_OK;

AddRef/Release perform the COM object's reference counting, so you should implement them too.

I wrapped the COM interface that is returned by PS and the queryInterface works and everything passes(as it should) but when I use your query interface it results in the COM error specified. Seems that the QueryInterface code is not 100% correct or something else is going on.

What I notices is that when PS's QueryInterface routine is used, it is called only 3 times(queries 3 interfaces like IUnknown, etc) while when I use your code about 10 interfaces are queried(including those 3 from PS).

PS's RGB QueryInterface

QueryInterface Called: 00000003-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19F178(Object) QueryInterface Called: ECC8691B-C1DB-4DC0-855E-65F6C551AF49(GUID), 19F124(Object) QueryInterface Called: 00000003-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19EFE8(Object)


QueryInterface Called: 00000003-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19F178(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: ECC8691B-C1DB-4DC0-855E-65F6C551AF49(GUID), 19F124(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 00000003-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19EFE8(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 0000001B-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19F00C(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 00000000-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19F040(Object) IUnknown Supported
QueryInterface Called: 00000018-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19EF1C(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 00000040-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19EF30(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 94EA2B94-E9CC-49E0-C0FF-EE64CA8F5B90(GUID), 19EF34(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 77DD1250-139C-2BC3-BD95-900ACED61BE5(GUID), 19EF2C(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: BFD60505-5A1F-4E41-88BA-A6FB07202DA9(GUID), 19EF28(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 03FB5C57-D534-45F5-A1F4-D39556983875(GUID), 19EF24(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 334D391F-0E79-3B15-C9FF-EAC65DD07C42(GUID), 19EEF4(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 2C258AE7-50DC-49FF-9D1D-2ECB9A52CDD7(GUID), 19EF20(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 00000019-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 2B5A3C0(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 4C1E39E1-E3E3-4296-AA86-EC938D896E92(GUID), 19EF18(Object) Not Supported
QueryInterface Called: 00020400-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19ED8C(Object) IDispatch Supported
QueryInterface Called: F37B4894-3ED2-48AF-AD38-BB1B27E93869(GUID), 2D3EAAC(Object) Not Supported QueryInterface Called: 00000003-0000-0000-C00-000000000046(GUID), 19EFE8(Object)

I don't know if things are passed off to another query method or what. The query interface I use is

        // IUnknown
        int QueryInterface(const(GUID)* riid, void** pvObject)
write("QueryInterface Called: ", Guid2Str(*riid), "(GUID), ", pvObject, "(Object)");

                        return rgb.iDispatch.QueryInterface(riid, pvObject);

                // Always set out parameter to NULL, validating it first.
                if (pvObject is null) return E_POINTER;
                *pvObject = null;

                if (*riid == IID_IUnknown)
                        *pvObject = cast(void*)cast(IUnknown)this;
                        writeln("\tIUnknown Supported");
                else if (*riid == IID_IDispatch)
                        *pvObject = cast(void*)cast(IDispatch)this;
                        writeln("\tIDispatch Supported");

                // and so on for all interfaces we support
                if (*pvObject is null)
                        writeln("\tNot Supported");
                        return E_NOINTERFACE;

                return S_OK;


Any ideas where to proceed?

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