Attempting to update a git repo to current D, I encounter the following deprecation messages:

src/glwtf/signals.d-mixin-256(256,2): Deprecation: glwtf.input.BaseGLFWEventHandler._on_key_down is not visible from module glwtf.signals src/glwtf/signals.d-mixin-256(256,2): Deprecation: glwtf.input.BaseGLFWEventHandler._on_key_up is not visible from module glwtf.signals src/glwtf/signals.d-mixin-256(256,2): Deprecation: glwtf.input.BaseGLFWEventHandler._on_mouse_button_down is not visible from module glwtf.signals src/glwtf/signals.d-mixin-256(256,2): Deprecation: glwtf.input.BaseGLFWEventHandler._on_mouse_button_up is not visible from module glwtf.signals

The offending line of code in signal.d for all four messages is:

_impl.addSlot(obj, cast(void delegate())mixin("&obj."~method));

these methods are implemented in the following default constructor:

    class BaseGLFWEventHandler : AEventHandler {
        // [...]
        this() {
on_mouse_button_down.connect!"_on_mouse_button_down"(this); on_mouse_button_up.connect!"_on_mouse_button_up"(this);
        // [...]

Which are implemented in the following abstract class:

    abstract class AEventHandler {
        // input
        Signal!(int, int, int) on_key_down;
        Signal!(int, int, int) on_key_up;
        Signal!(int, int) on_mouse_button_down;
        Signal!(int, int) on_mouse_button_up;

I'm not sure how to address this issue so am seeking guidance on how to update this code such that it complies with current D.


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