On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 03:08:39 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
NOTE: curious about both cases:
* thread local
* shared

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:04 PM, Timothee Cour <thelastmamm...@gmail.com> wrote:
what's the best D equivalent of C++11's function local static initialization?
void fun(){
  static auto a=[](){
    //some code
   return some_var;

(C++11 guarantees thread safety)

I don't know the exact equivalent, mostly because I don't really know what the C++ statement does tbh. Tried to look it up real quick, but can't seem to find anything actual information on it.

However I can answer about thread local and shared.

Every global is per standard thread local in D.

For example:
int foo;

void fun() {

void main() {

In D the output is:

However in other languages that doesn't have thread-local per standard the output may vary depending on race-conditions.

So it could be:


Then there's shared.

Shared is kind of a bottle-neck to use and if you're going to use it you should write all your code as shared and synchronized from the beginning else you'll just end up ripping your hair out. shared variables are required to be used in synchronized contexts, that's about it. It sounds simple, but implementing it properly is not that easy and tends to just be a bothersome in exchange for other safe implementation

On the contrary to shared, there's __gshared which is basically the equivalent to plain old globals in C.

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