Hi, I am learning how to use readf to read integers. I follow the example in https://dlang.org/library/std/stdio/readf.html

The sample code use readf in following way
readf!" %d"(a);

It works when I use dmd 2.074. However, I got compile error when I switch to ldc2
/usr/include/d/std/stdio.d(3339): Error: tuple A is used as a type
b.d(8): Error: template instance std.stdio.readf!" %d" error instantiating

It turns out that I can compile the code using ldc2 if I change the line to
readf(" %d", &a);

So my questions are
1. Should I use ampersand? I search the web and other people use ampersand. But from the doc I guess that I can also pass arguments as ref and do need to use ampersand?

2. I also tried changing the code to readf!" %d"(&a); and ldc2 gives me the same error. I search and the ! does something called template instantiation. Why it does not work here?

Thanks for your help!

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