On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 02:06:27 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
I wonder if it is possible to somehow turn D in to a scripting language that can be run inside D?

On a game project I'm working on at home, I've done:

- Hot reloading via a DLL
- A build script that runs in the background, detects file changes, and automatically rebuilds - A code structure that keeps build times to a minimum (currently 1.8s)

All these combined, and D feels pretty script-like. The setup is far from ideal, since it imposes some limitations on the language (only limited use of classes/finalizers, be careful with static data, some changes to the program state struct require a restart, etc). It also took a significant amount of work to get it up and running, requiring several changes to druntime.

But writing an entire feature with the game still running, followed by testing and iterating, all without closing the game, is pretty great. Way nicer than at work, where I have 1-15 minute rebuilds, with a restart for every change.

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