On Monday, 5 June 2017 at 00:51:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, June 05, 2017 00:16:15 Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Sunday, 4 June 2017 at 23:39:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> [...]

I might be able to change the enum, I assume you mean something like

enum myenum : S { }

where S is the struct that implicitly converts?


However, be aware that you can currently only define one alias this per type. So, the rest of the code will then need to be able to deal with the fact that the enum is a struct that implicitly converts to VARIANT and does not implicitly convert to int. So, if you're just passing the enums around and comparing them, you're fine, but if you need to treat them as ints somewhere, then you'll need to provide an explicit conversion (via overloading opCast or by creating a specific function for it or just exposing a member with the int value or whatever), and that could get annoying in the same way that you're annoyed about the VARIANT issue right now.

But if you don't actually need to treat the enum as an int, and you can make it a struct that implicitly converts to VARIANT instead, then that will fix your VARIANT conversion problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

enum X : EnumX
   a = 1,

struct EnumX
        int x;
        alias x this;
        void opAssign(int y)
                x = y;
        double opCall()
            return x;

doesn't work because "1" is not castable to EnumX, even though EnumX is aliased to an int, and hence it should work fine.

Seems like a bug to me.

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