On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 at 19:02:59 UTC, drug wrote:

How do compiler know that you want use `std.conv.to` instead of _already imported_ `core.time.to`? In general it's impossible. There is no way for compiler to guess that you want some other symbol from out there. What if you've imported `std.conv.to` but want to use `core.time.to` - what should compiler do in this case?
What about `writeln` - it's too different.

The differences with writeln are not really relevant if we're talking about error messages. The compiler knows someone is calling function `to`. If you've already imported std.conv.to, then there's no reason to print anything.

In any event, I made a second suggestion that would always work. If it can't find a match, it asks if you're missing an import statement, as a way to provide the new D programmer a hint of what to look for.

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