- Fixed-length arrays are value types. You may not want to return them if n is very large.

- Every array has the .ptr property that gives the pointer to the first element.

- What can be helpful to you here is the fact that you can treat any memory as a slice:

import core.stdc.stdlib;

struct S {
    double d;

void main() {
    ubyte * p = cast(ubyte*)malloc(10);
    ubyte[] slice = p[0..10];    // 10 is number of elements

    // Another example with a struct object:
    auto objectCount = 7;
    S * objects = cast(S*)malloc(objectCount * S.sizeof);
    auto S_slice = objects[0..objectCount];

Of course, you must be careful with slice lifetimes in this case; you shouldn't use the slices after freeing the memory.


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