On 6/27/17 8:29 AM, Guillaume Piolat wrote:
On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 at 09:54:19 UTC, John Burton wrote:
Am I doing this right with GC? In C++ I'd ensure that the Socket class had a destructor that closed the socket and I'd also assume that once it went out of scope there was no memory left allocated. In D am I right to assume I need to manually close the socket but there is no need to worry about the memory?

You can also call a destructor manually with destroy(obj);
This avoids having a forest of 'close' methods, who are duplicates of the destructor in spirit, and let's you use destructors like you are accustomed in C++.

Generally, it is dangerous to let the GC handle resource release:

This is the best to read, it's very tricky for people coming from other languages I think to understand the rules around the GC destructor.

I think you have gotten sound advice from many people, but I wanted to chime in as someone who used the GC to clean up sockets and file handles in a long-running program. Even with all these warnings, it does seem to work. My advice is to close the socket in the destructor if still valid, and then manually close it also. This way you don't leak resources if you miss a close call.

The fundamental problem with closing sockets and other resources with the GC is that the resource management issues and rules for memory are vastly different than those of other resources. The OS can give you vast sums of memory, but will likely limit your ability to keep sockets open. It also keeps the other end potentially locked up. If you try to allocate a new socket and run out of sockets, there is no "socket collection cycle". This is why closing manually is advised.

But I would use a close method, and not destroy(obj). The reason is because often times, you have wrapper types around your socket type, and just one extra level of indirection means the destructor cannot be used to clean up the socket (you are not allowed to access GC-allocated resources in a destructor).

Using std.typecons.RefCounted also can help to ensure destruction of a socket when it's no longer used. But like I said, it's not always possible to use a destructor of a higher level object to clean up a socket.


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