On Saturday, 1 July 2017 at 00:23:36 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 07/01/2017 01:41 AM, bauss wrote:
string ReadWinString(HANDLE process, DWORD address, size_t stringSize, string defaultValue = "") {
   if (!process || !address) {
     return defaultValue;

   SIZE_T bytesRead;
   char[1024] data;

   if (!ReadProcessMemory(process,
     cast(PCVOID)address, cast(PVOID)&data,

The second cast still looks suspicious. PVOID is void*, right? Then any mutable pointer type should implicitly convert to PVOID and you shouldn't need the cast.

     stringSize, &bytesRead)) {
     return defaultValue;

   auto s = cast(string)data[0 .. stringSize];

   return s ? s : defaultValue;

Here's an error that produces garbage.

`data` is a fixed-sized array, so the values are on the stack. That means `s` points to the stack. You can't return a pointer to the stack. It becomes invalid when the function returns. You can put it on the heap instead: `auto s = data[0 .. stringSize].idup;`.


Using ".idup" makes no difference in the result. I was under the impression the cast would already do that though, guess not. However the result is the same. I also tried to check "data" directly and it's already garbage there.

Well the address is not a pointer. It's DWORD which is uint, so the cast is necessary since it stores the address.

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