On Wednesday, 26 July 2017 at 16:50:35 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
mixin(`static if (!__traits(compiles, typeof(`~T.stringof~`.`~p.name~`))) {

FYI, you shouldn't use .stringof here. Just use `T` instead of `T.stringof`.

Creating new class for checking whether the class has a specific member is not possible in my scenario, as a DLL call is involved and I need the result (member available) as condition for static if.

This doesn't *actually* create a new class, it just compiles as if you would to make sure it has a valid `this` for it in the type system.

You could also use `typeof(TBounds.init.Left)`, which is actually even better than `new` since it doesn't require the constructor arguments.

But in either case, that code isn't actually run, it just looks for the non-static member function.

Due you think typeof should work within member methods and I should file an issue?

I'm not sure... I could go either way on it since there is a reasonable answer here (int), but since it is non-static, trying to use it in an actual expression IS an error so it makes sense for typeof(error) to also be an error...

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