assumed, I need the size of a dynamic array for further processing, which is unknown at compile time. Below are my example, which doesn't work and two alternatives.

Alternative1: may create large rowT-arrays depending on original array size. Alternative2: overrides rowT after exiting the inner loop (which may be costly?)

How could I implement something like the first approach?


// Not working example of transposing a matrix
double[][] transp(double[][] array)
  double[][] arrayT;
  double[array[0].length] rowT;
  foreach(col; 0..array[0].length)
    foreach(row; array)
      rowT[col]= row[col];
    arrayT ~= rowT;
  return arrayT;

// Alternative1
  double[][] arrayT;
  double[] rowT;
  foreach(col; 0..array[0].length)
    foreach(row; array)
      rowT ~= row[col];
    arrayT ~= rowT[$-6..$];

// Alternative2
  double[][] arrayT;
  foreach(col; 0..array[0].length)
    double[] rowT;
    foreach(row; array)
      rowT ~= row[col];
    arrayT ~= rowT;

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