On Wednesday, 4 October 2017 at 09:04:58 UTC, Biotronic wrote:
Since the code uses ranges though, a simple replacement of readText with an mmapped equivalent should enable humongous file support with no other code change required.

Drop-in replacement for readText:

struct MmText {
    import std.mmfile;

    ulong  _fileOffset;
    MmFile _file;

    this(string filename) {
        _file = new MmFile(filename);

    dchar front() {
        auto end = min(_file.length, _fileOffset+4);
        auto data = cast(string)_file[_fileOffset..end];
        return decodeFront(data);

    void popFront() {
        auto end = min(_file.length, _fileOffset+4);
        auto data = cast(string)_file[_fileOffset..end];
        size_t bytes;
        decodeFront(data, bytes);
        _fileOffset += bytes;

    bool empty() {
        return _fileOffset >= _file.length;


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