On 10/18/2017 10:05 AM, user1234 wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 15:16:21 UTC, drug wrote:
18.10.2017 18:11, pham пишет:
Is there a way to identify if a type is a struct, something like isStruct
similar to isArray.

struct X

isStruct!X == true?

Also, there are isAbstractClass & isFinalClass but want to check if type is a class regardless? something like isClass?


if (is(X == struct))

static if (is(X == struct))

ptherwise lots of strnage errors ;)

Playing the devil's advocate, I think drug meant it as a function template constraint. :o)

void foo(X)(X x)
if (is(X == struct))
   // ...


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