On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 20:56:22 UTC, Dr. Assembly wrote:
On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 20:53:44 UTC, Dr. Assembly wrote:
Hey guys, if I were to get into dmd's source code to play a little bit (just for fun, no commercial use at all), which books/resources do you recommend to start out?

I'd like something on back-end too, for example, code generation, convert the AST to actual assembly/machine code. On my research I found mostly front-end related stuff, like recursive descent parser.

Look at this book: https://www.t3x.org/reload/index.html

Some cool open source languages:
* Elena programming language: https://github.com/ELENA-LANG/elena-lang
* DotNetPeLib: https://github.com/LADSoft/DotNetPELib
* OrangeC/C++ compiler: https://github.com/LADSoft/OrangeC

I have some cool projects:
* A simple C compiler that generates a EXE/DLL: https://gist.github.com/bencz/79d4738afe962b5479d1 * CoffLib ( a lib to generate x86 EXE/DLL in .Net ) : https://github.com/bencz/CoffLib
* Zinnia-lang: https://github.com/bencz/Zinnia-lang
* dncpp: https://github.com/bencz/dncpp
* Pythonish-Compiler: https://github.com/bencz/Pythonish-Compiler

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