On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 19:22:47 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
Compiling a debug dmd and running the build command in gdb, it seems to be a stack overflow at ddmd/dtemplate.d:6241, TemplateInstance::needsCodegen().

After a lot of trial and error I managed to find /a/ line which lets it compile under -b plain and release.

void colour(Sink, Codes...)(auto ref Sink sink, const Codes codes)
    // Sink is a LockingTextWriter or an Appender!string
    // Codes is a tuple of named enum members

    foreach (const code; codes)
        import std.conv : to;

        if (++numCodes > 1) sink.put(';');

        sink.put((cast(size_t)code).to!string);  // <--

Change size_t to uint and it compiles, keep it size_t and the compiler segfaults. Tested on two machines, both running up-to-date Arch linux, both with dmd and ldc.

The bug is too ephemeral to reduce well, if a thing like order of arguments matters.

If this is an emergent property of the rest of the program, and the size_t merely fells the house of cards, is it even worth reporting when I can't reduce it?

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