24.11.2017 15:53, SrMordred пишет:
On Friday, 24 November 2017 at 12:36:42 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
Should print something like this: std.concurrency.OwnerTerminated@std/concurrency.d(223): Owner terminated

Yes, it was, I was aware of this and put some sleep after that too.

(immutable (int)[] v)

OK that parenteshis was the problem, thanks :)

But its a little confusing i think, since the syntax for creating the array is different from the syntax on the arguments.


immutable int[];
immutable (int)[];
immutable (int[]);

(differences? what/when use)
Yes, it's different.
immutable int[] is equal to immutable (int[]) and means immutable slice of immutable int. on the other hand immutable (int)[] means _mutable_ slice of immutable int.

And other question:

When you send immutable data , i'm getting a copied data on the other thread, or its the same data?


send(thread1, arr);
send(thread2, arr);
send(thread3, arr);
send(thread4, arr);

(multiple copies, or all threads are seeing the same addresses ? )
the same data, it's the purpose of immutable

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