
I'm calling a C library through a D wrapper. The situation is like this:

C library has:
    struct A      { ... };
    A* create_a() { ... }
    void foo(A*)  { ... }

D wrapper declares:
    extern (C) {
        struct A {}
        A* create_a();
        void foo(A*);

My D usercode:
    const A* a = create_a();
    foo(cast(A*) a);

We know that const is transitive in D and the compiler may optimize around it. If we cast away const, it's our responsibility that, e.g., the optimized caching from const will not cause bugs.

The memory of the A is allocated by the C library. All the D code ever sees is a pointer, an opaque handle to the resource. How will the compiler optimizations behave around this:

Question 1. Is that cast still safe in usercode if foo(a) changes some internal values in *a that are undetectable through the C API?

Question 2. If yes, can the wrapper sanely declare foo(const A*) instead of foo(A*)?

My use case: My const-heavy D usercode calls Allegro 5, a C game/multimedia library without any const in its API, through the D bindings DAllegro5. I'm considering to make a PR implementing question 2. Github issue: https://github.com/SiegeLord/DAllegro5/issues/42

-- Simon

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