On Saturday, 23 December 2017 at 08:57:18 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:
On Friday, 22 December 2017 at 23:33:55 UTC, Mengu wrote:
On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 21:11:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 12/21/17 4:00 PM, kerdemdemir wrote:
I have a case like :


I have a factory method, I am creating some instances given some enums.
My question is about :

void PushIntoVector( BaseEnum[] baseEnumList )
     Base[] baseList;
     foreach ( tempEnum; baseEnumList )
        baseList ~= Factory(tempEnum);

I don't want to use "foreach" loop. Is there any cool std function that I can call ?

Something like baseEnumList.CoolStdFunc!( a=> Factory(a) )(baseList);



so basically it becomes:

Base[] baseList = baseEnumList.map!(el => Factory(el));

there's also a parallel version of map [0] if you ever need to map the list concurrently.

[0] https://dlang.org/phobos/std_parallelism.html#.TaskPool.map

Yeah that was very easy and I used to use map for this purposed a lot already. I don't know why I get confused. Thanks guys for correction. I began to think like map could transform but it can't create vector of elements and this confused me.

it totally depends on the type of resulting element. if you expect Base[], then your map should transform your range / array elements into a Base.

import std.range, std.algorithm;
auto a = iota(1, 10);
int[] b = a.map!(el => el + 1).array;
int[][] c = a.map!(el => [el, el + 1]).array;

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