On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 10:02:22PM +0000, Mark via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> The documentation says the modification of pointer values is not
> allowed in safe functions. Yet the following compiles fine on dmd:
> void main() @safe
> {
>       int* x = new int;
>       int* y = new int;
>       y=x;
> }
> Is this simply a compiler bug?

No, this use of pointers is perfectly safe.  @safe does not mean "no
pointers".  What is prohibited is:

- casting integers into pointers:

        int* ptr = cast(int*) 0xdeadbeef; // not allowed in @safe
        *ptr = 100; // oops, overwriting arbitrary memory

- arbitrary pointer arithmetic, like:

        int x;
        int* ptr = &x;
        ptr++; // not allowed in @safe
        *ptr = 100; // oops, overwriting arbitrary stack locations. 

- overlapping a pointer with something else in a union, like:

        union U {
                int x;
                int* ptr;
        U u;
        u.x = 12345;
        *u.ptr = 100; // oops, overwriting arbitrary memory

        // Note: @safe allows *reading* u.x after assigning a pointer to
        // u.ptr, since you can't do anything unsafe with an int value;
        // you just can't get a pointer value out of the union.

- casting pointers to pointers of a different type:

        char ch;
        char* p = &ch;
        int* ip = cast(int*) p; // not allowed in @safe
        *ip = 123; // oops, overwriting arbitrary stack locations

- making arbitrary slices from a pointer:

        char[10] buf;
        char* p = &buf[0];
        auto q = p[0 .. 100]; // not allowed in @safe
        q[99] = 100; // oops, overrunning end of buffer

There are probably other examples, but you get the point.

It's always OK to assign and dereference pointers in @safe code,
because, barring a compiler bug or unrelated @system code wreaking
havoc, it's not possible to get an invalid pointer value in @safe code.

(The caveat is that @safe code may call @trusted code, which in turn may
call @system code. So you really have to be sure that @trusted code is
actually trustworthy, otherwise you *might* get an invalid pointer
percolating into @safe code, and then all bets are off.)


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