On Wednesday, 10 January 2018 at 20:19:50 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
Am 10.01.2018 um 20:32 schrieb Anonymouse:

I don't have a reduced testcase yet. I figured I'd ask if it's something known before making the effort.

Are you by any chance mixing debug and release builds? Or are the -version specifiers different when compiling the various parts of your program? Check your compiler flags and ansure that they are the same over your entire build process. Especiall -debug -relase -inline -O -version

Admittedly I am alternating between building debug and unittest builds, but I'm only using dub, no separate compilation. I have limited control of the version specifiers other than through the build configurations, so there's not a whole lot to mix.

    $ dub clean
    Cleaning package at C:\cygwin\home\zorael\src\kameloso...

    $ dub build -c cygwin -a x86_64
    Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
kameloso 1.0.0-beta.2+commit.57.g90fdd1d: building configuration "cygwin"...
kameloso.obj : fatal error LNK1179: invalid or corrupt file: duplicate COMDAT '_D8kameloso7plugins6common8BotRegex6__ctorMFNcxEQBuQBoQBj10NickPolicyS3std5regex8internal2ir__T5RegexTaZQjZSQEcQDwQDrQDn'
    Error: linker exited with status 1179
    dmd failed with exit code 1179.

None of the (version specifiers in the) build configurations I have touch upon the part of the fairly innocent code mentioned in the error message, if I'm reading it right. (https://github.com/zorael/kameloso/blob/c00ca4489e39348bd4b1678c95c1b12636df307c/source/kameloso/plugins/common.d#L424)

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