On 15.01.2018 22:51, Timon Gehr wrote:
auto aa(R)(R r){
     typeof(r.front[1])[typeof(r.front[0])] a;
     foreach(x;r) a[x[0]] = x[1];
     return a;

Actually, better to use std.array.assocArray.

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.array, std.conv, std.json, std.typecons;
alias emap(alias a) = map!(x => a(x.expand));

void main(){
    auto srv1 = [
        "acs": ["ver": "1.2.3", "rev": "6f2260d"],
        "cms": ["ver": "4.5", "rev": "b17a67e"],
        "ots": ["ver": "6.7.80", "rev": "4f487d2"]];
    auto srv2 = [
        "acs": ["ver": "1.2.3", "rev": "6f2260d"],
        "cms": ["ver": "5.1", "rev": "2a56c53"],
        "vaa": ["ver": "0.7", "rev": "00852cb"]];

    chain(srv1.keys, srv2.keys).sort.uniq
        .map!(k => chain(only(tuple("_name", k)),
cartesianProduct(only("ver", "rev"), only(srv1, srv2).enumerate) .emap!((prop, srv) => tuple(text(prop, srv.index), srv.value.get(k, null).get(prop, "")))

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