On Wednesday, 24 January 2018 at 14:21:42 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
The spec says that you cannot make an overload set just by mixing in multiple functions/methods with the same name. Instead, you have to do it like this:

mixin getter g;
mixin setter!int s;

alias p = g.p;
alias p = s.p;


Thanks a lot! I didn't know you could do overloads by way of multiple aliases with the same name.

I meant to use this for mixing in multiple instantiations generated from a static foreach over an AliasSeq of types, but generating unique identifiers poses an extra challenge.

I may go for string mixin's instead, which I just discovered do work:

import std.stdio;

enum getter = `
    @property int p()
        writeln(__LINE__, " mixin getter");
        return 3;
string setter(string T) pure
{ return `
    @property int p(` ~ T ~ ` arg)
        writeln(__LINE__, " mixin setter ` ~ T ~ `" ,  arg);
        return 4;
struct S
    alias p this;

void main(string[] args)
    S s;
    s = 7;
    int i = s;

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