On Friday, 2 February 2018 at 00:33:03 UTC, Jakub Łabaj wrote:
On the other hand, shifting operators are equally confusing for me, as they are for you - they really work in the other way around! I thought this is a very weird bug, but I found this pull request: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/2844, which states this is the intended behaviour.

I don't know if there is anybody that would expect this - it's inconsistent with any other bitset implementation I know from other languages, as well as with what logic suggests. I'm curious if the authors changed their minds in this regard and there is any chance for that to be rewritten?

The same confusion existed amongst the authos, that pull was done in reaction to https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/2797#discussion-diff-22456052.

So the shift direction seems to be as intended (by Martin Nowak at least) but the docs should be clear in what order the bits are printed and indexed. I guess.

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