
I just noticed that std.zip will throw an exception if the source files exceeds 2 GB. I am not sure whether this is a limitation of zip version 20 or a bug. On wikipedia a
size limit of 4 GB is mentioned. Should I open an issue?

Windows 10 with x86_64 architecture.

core.exception.RangeError@std\zip.d(808): Range violation
0x00007FF7C9B1705C in d_arrayboundsp
0x00007FF7C9B301FF in @safe void std.zip.ZipArchive.putUshort(int, ushort)
0x00007FF7C9B2E634 in void[] std.zip.ZipArchive.build()

    void zipFolder(string archiveFilePath, string folderPath)
        import std.zip, std.file;

        ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
        string folderName = folderPath.baseName;

        foreach(entry; dirEntries(folderPath, SpanMode.depth))
            if (!entry.isFile)

            ArchiveMember am = new ArchiveMember();
            am.name = entry.name[folderPath.length + 1..$];
            am.expandedData(cast(ubyte[]) read(entry.name));

void[] compressed_data = zip.build(); // zip.build() will throw
        write(archiveFilePath, compressed_data);

Kind regards

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