On Sunday, 15 April 2018 at 17:59:01 UTC, Dgame wrote:
How am I supposed to insert a struct with immutable members into an assoc. array?

Reduced example:
struct A {
    immutable string name;

A[string] as;
as["a"] = A("a"); // Does not work

Via a static this() it would work. But I guess, this is not what you are looking for, is it?

static this()
        as["a"] = A("a");

void main()
        assert(as["a"].name == "a");

struct A {
    immutable string name;

A[string] as;

It also works, if you hide the AA in a class and all the insertions into the constructor.

static this()
        as["a"] = A("a");
void main()
        auto c = new Container(A("a"));
        assert(c.as["a"].name == "a");

struct A {
    immutable string name;

class Container
        A[string] as;
        this(A a)
                as[a.name] = a;

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