On Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 17:15:47 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, April 21, 2018 16:05:22 Dr.No via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
import std.meta : Filter;
enum isNotReservedSymbol(string name) = name != "none" && name !=
enum string[] members = staticMembers!Token;
static foreach(member; Filter!(isNotReservedSymbol, members))

This return the error:

Error: template instance `pred!(["none", "word", "n", "digits",
"name", /* my whole array here */ ])  does not match template
declaration isNotReservedSymbol(string name)

how should have isNotReservedSymbol be defined?

std.meta.Filter operates on an AliasSeq, not a dynamic array. If you have an array, then you can just use std.algorithm.iteration.filter with a normal lambda.

- Jonathan M Davis

I've tried use normal filter - albeit i'm willing to do all that at runtin, but I got f cannot be read at compile time.

static foreach(member; staticMembers!Token.filter!(f => isNotReservedSymbol!(member))

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