On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:01:20 UTC, Alex wrote:
On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 01:41:03 UTC, Dr.No wrote:
I'd like to pass a symbol as paramater (class static member0 and at same time get the type of this, something like this:

template myTemp(alias s)
        enum myTemp = templateFunction!(??)(s.stringof);

the templateFunction has this signature:

int templateFunction(T)(string targetMembername)

but I don't how to get the type name from the give symbol name in myTemp. Can I make this work?

Something like this?

import std.stdio;

void main()
        size_t s;
        auto res = myTemp!s;

template myTemp(alias s)
        enum myTemp = templateFunction!(typeof(s))(s.stringof);

int templateFunction(T)(string targetMembername)
        static assert(is(T == size_t));
        assert(targetMembername == "s");
        return 42;

Oh, my bad: I totally forgot a crucial thing on question: I want this to work with a static member, for example, call myTemp like this myTemp!(C.a) I don't mind if I to pass the type as parameter somehow, like myTemp!(C, C.a) or myTemp!(C)(C.a) but I do need to pass a symbol as parameter, hence I'm using alias template parameter.

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