On Wednesday, 30 May 2018 at 09:58:16 UTC, biocyberman wrote:
How do I add logging for this struct?


If not possible, what's the alternative?

This line:

    writeln("got num: %s, of type: %s", num, typeof(num));

Gives this error message:

onlineapp.d(7): Error: cannot pass type int as a function argument

The error message says exactly what's wrong - you can't pass a type as a runtime argument. You can get a string representation using .stringof:

writeln("got num: %s, of type: %s", num, typeof(num).stringof);

Next up: if prints this:

    got num: %s, of type: %s1int

You probably want something more like this:

    got num: 1, of type: int

The problem is you're using writeln, which only dumps its arguments to stdout in the order they're passed. writefln does formatting using %s:

writefln("got num: %s, of type: %s", num, typeof(num).stringof);


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