I'm calling pipe process using

pipeProcess([AliasSeq!args], Redirect.stdout | Redirect.stdin);

where args is a tuple.

Everything works when I pass each argument individually. If I combine any args using a space it fails or if I pass an argument with "".

So I guess something like this

pipeProcess(["dmd", "", "-m32 -JC:\"], Redirect.stdout | Redirect.stdin);

will fail while

pipeProcess(["dmd", "-m32", "-JC:\"], Redirect.stdout | Redirect.stdin);


Is this a bug or something else going on I'm not aware of?

I'm just wrapping pipe process in a function foo(Args...)(Args args) and calling it like foo("dmd", "", "-m32 -JC:\").

The reason why it is a problem is that it will simplify some code to be able to combine some arguments.

  • pipeProcess failing DigitalDesigns via Digitalmars-d-learn

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