On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 02:57:34 UTC, evilrat wrote:
Only subsystems getters like SteamUser() or SteamInventory() requires wrapping.

I really can't understand why they ever choose to silently ignore registering callbacks received with C API systems handles...

Thanks to the information you supplied I was able to get it working without a wrapper, like so:

extern(C++) abstract class ISteamClient {
        //public abstract IntPtr GetIntPtr();
        public abstract uint CreateSteamPipe();
        public abstract bool BReleaseSteamPipe(uint hSteamPipe);
        public abstract uint ConnectToGlobalUser(uint hSteamPipe);
public abstract uint CreateLocalUser(ref uint phSteamPipe,uint eAccountType);
        public abstract void ReleaseUser(uint hSteamPipe,uint hUser);
public abstract ISteamUser GetISteamUser(uint hSteamUser,uint hSteamPipe,const(char)* pchVersion);
public abstract ISteamUserStats GetISteamUserStats(uint hSteamUser,uint hSteamPipe,const(char)* pchVersion);

HSteamUser hSteamUser = SteamAPI_GetHSteamUser();
HSteamPipe hSteamPipe = SteamAPI_GetHSteamPipe();
auto steamClient = cast(ISteamClient) SteamInternal_CreateInterface(STEAMCLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION); auto userStats = steamClient.GetISteamUserStats(hSteamUser, hSteamPipe, STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION); auto hid = SteamAPI_ISteamUserStats_GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(userStats);
auto cbk = new CallResult!NumberOfCurrentPlayers_t();
SteamAPI_RegisterCallResult(cbk, hid);

And it successfully fires the 3-arg Run method of the callback object. However for some reason the function table of the ISteamClient seems to be off by one.. it kept calling the wrong methods until I commented one out, in this case GetIntPtr() as seen above, then everything seemed to line up. Not sure what the proper way to ensure it matches the C++ layout here, but at least it seems to be mostly working for now. Thanks again!

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