On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 03:44:58 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:

Idiomatically, I make use of zip, however, when looking to speed up my program, notice that using enumerate leads to a 20-30% improvement:

void main(){
    auto x = iota(1_000).array;
    auto y = iota(1_000).array;

    auto func1() {
        return zip(x,y).map!(a => a[0]+a[1])

    auto func2() {
        return x.enumerate
                .map!(a => a.value + y[a.index])


    import std.datetime.stopwatch;
    auto r = benchmark!(func1, func2)(10_000);
    // r[0] approx 1794 ms
    // r[1] approx 1295 ms

Is there anything I can do to improve zip, before I go ahead and change to the faster but slightly less readable enumerate? In my particular case, all ranges that I zip are of the same length, but not sure how I can leverage that information.



This sounds like a very limited case: if you're not zipping against a iota(foo) then there's no comparing with enumerate, they simply don't do the same thing at all, and if you are then it sounds like enumerate expresses the purpose of using an index way better than a zipped iota IMHO.

Is there anything about your true use case that would be worth mentionning to better understand your situation?

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