On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 10:22:38 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
Most of the documentation at https://dlang.org/spec/declaration.html#alias uses examples of the form: `alias aliasName = other;`, where `aliasName` becomes the new name to reference `other`. Alternatively, one may write `alias other aliasName;`. My understanding is that the syntax with `=` is the preferred one stylistically.

However, when it comes to `alias this` declarations, the only syntax supported is `alias other this;`, and one cannot write `alias this = other;`.

Does this mean that the `alias other aliasName;` syntax is preferred, or does it simply mean that this is a low priority issue that hasn't been addressed yet?

`alias Alias = SomeType;` is preferred. It is the new style, and is more clear on what is the alias and what is the new type, especially when complex types come into play. For `alias this` though, there is only one syntax, `alias other this;`, since it does something conceptually different from regular aliases.

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