How do I create an inout object with template parameters?

Take following code:

        import std.stdio;
        import std.traits;

        struct S
                int[] arr;

        interface I
                inout(I) opIndex(size_t idx) inout;

        class Test(T) : I
// Error: variable `onlineapp.Test!(inout(int)[]).Test.member` only parameters or stack based variables can be inout
                T member;

                this(inout T mem) inout
                        this.member = mem;

                inout(Test!T) get() inout
                        return new inout Test!(Unqual!(typeof(member)))(member);

                inout(I) opIndex(size_t idx) inout
                        switch (idx)
                        static foreach (index, t; T.tupleof)
                                case index:
// Error: template instance `onlineapp.Test!(inout(int)[])` error instantiating
                                        return new inout
                        return null;

                auto s = S([1,2,3]);
                auto t = new const Test!S(s);

`Unqual` in this case just turns `inout(int[])` into `inout(int)[]`, which is why it complains. That's a side effect of this example, however the main question is how one would go about achieving something like this idiomatically?

I would like to return a new object and that object should have the same mutability as the one creating it.

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