On Monday, 23 July 2018 at 12:02:58 UTC, aliak wrote:

Thank you Ali! That helped :) I've gotten most of it sorted out now, and the factory wrap is definitely the way to go, it also turned out that inout(T) and inout T (so inout without parens) was surprisingly different (maybe it's a bug? - to test you can remove the parens around U on line 3 in this sample: https://run.dlang.io/is/gd5oxW

Also over there, line 24:

auto si = wrap!(immutable int)(3);

Both of these seem to work (as you pointed out)

    // immutable(W!int)
auto si = wrap!(int)(cast(immutable)3); // or wrap(cast(immutable)3);
    // W!(immutable(int))
    auto si2 = W!(immutable int)(3);

seems to be giving problems. Any ideas there? Error is:

onlineapp.d(8): Error: inout on return means inout must be on a parameter as well for pure nothrow @nogc @safe inout(W!(immutable(int)))(immutable(int) t) onlineapp.d(23): Error: template instance `onlineapp.wrap!(immutable(int))` error instantiating

To make it compile successfully you can either:

1) Chance immutable to const, then it works for some reason.
2) Change the line to: "auto si = wrap(cast(immutable int)3);" - i.e. do not explicitly provide type information.

I don't know why

    wrap!(immutable int)(3);

is not working. The error message

"Error: inout on return means inout must be on a parameter as well for pure nothrow @nogc @safe inout(W!(immutable(int)))(return immutable(int) t)"

sounds very odd and not at all helpful, at least regarding that removing immutable from the template argument works.

- Ali

The depths of D. Why does the following only work with "return ref"?

    struct W(T) {
        T val;
        this(U : T)(auto ref inout U val) inout {
            pragma(msg, typeof(val));
            this.val = val;

    // Fails without "return ref" (escaping t warning...)
    auto wrap(T)(return ref inout T t) {
        return inout W!T(t);

    class C {}

    void main() {
        immutable C ci = new immutable C;
        auto i = wrap(im);
        pragma(msg, typeof(i));

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