Hello! I'm trying run my GUI application getting a console hidden. The application is on top of GTKD, compiled with dmd 2.081.1 in Windows 7 x64. I read a few threads on the forum and StackOverflow and I got that I need to add a module definition file [1] or to add -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS -L/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup options to compiler [2] or to add only /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS [3] or use a command getting console hidden [4].

Actually no one case works properly. The first one doesn't affect, the second "unbinds" appeared console giving ability to close it without closing the application, the third one raises a linker error about unresolved symbol WinMain, the fourth one hides a console but it does it with delay. Also, I tried to use `editbin /SUBSYSTEM:windows myapp.exe` but I it doesn't affect anything. Here is my dub.json [5]

So... how prevent appearing of console on the startup of the application?

[1] https://wiki.dlang.org/D_for_Win32
[2] https://forum.dlang.org/post/bhswtzoklrzzslliq...@forum.dlang.org [3] https://forum.dlang.org/post/qcejigllwticykoiw...@forum.dlang.org
[4] https://stackoverflow.com/a/2139903
[5] http://vpaste.net/mEy2P

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