On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 09:21:29 UTC, Per Nordlöw wrote:
Have anybody thought about non-throwing variants of std.conv.to typically named `tryTo`
similar to what Folly


does, for instance, as

    tryTo<int>(str).then([](int i) { use(i); });


Would it be sane to add these to std.conv alongside existing std.conv.to so that underlying logic in std.conv.to can be reused?

If so, AFAICT, existing std.conv.to should be implemented on top of std.conv.tryTo.

Well, for now you can use `ifThrown` from std.exception:




Usage of optionals/nullables is sadly not very common in Phobos and I think if we want everything to work nicely, we probably have to start a new standard library (or do massive refactorings of the existing one.)

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