On Thursday, 30 August 2018 at 11:09:40 UTC, vit wrote:
args are runtime arguments.

import std.experimental.all;

enum MyEnum : string
    First = "F_i_r_s_t",
    Second = "S_e_c_o_n_d"

///alias QW(alias arg) = Alias!(cast(OriginalType!(typeof(arg)))arg);
auto QW(T)(const auto ref T x){
        return cast(OriginalType!T)x;

void print(T...)(T args)
writeln(cast(OriginalType!(typeof(args[0])))args[0]); // Works... ///writeln(QW!(args[0])); // Doesn't work... MUST!

    static foreach(alias arg; args){
        static if(is(typeof(arg) : MyEnum))write(QW(arg));
        else write(arg);
//writeln(staticMap!(QW, args)); // Doesn't work... MUST!

void main()
    bool runTimeBool = true;
    print(MyEnum.First, 7, runTimeBool, MyEnum.Second);

I want to create a reusable template for this purpose.
Why I can't use "staticMap" so that compiler it self would do this:
void print(T...)(T args)
writeln(cast(OriginalType!(typeof(args[0])))args[0], cast(OriginalType!(typeof(args[1])))args[1], cast(OriginalType!(typeof(args[2])))args[2], cast(OriginalType!(typeof(args[3])))args[3]);
Just wrap some some symbol "args" with some expression at compile time.

It is the same as in C++:
void print(Args ...args)
writeln(UnderlyingType(args)...); // UnderlyingType is a function here

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