On 03/09/2018 12:52 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
I am rewriting a C++ program in D, but need to access a C library that
has no D binding: this is a GtkD based program which has a Pango
binding, but Pango doesn't offer the information I need, that is hidden
in the underlying Fontconfig C API.

I could create a complete D binding for Fontconfig using the GIR files
but that seems a bit over the top.

Can anyone point me at an example of a D program using a C API that has
structs, enums and functions so I can see if I just hack enough for my
use or go on to the full binding activity.

You don't need to create a complete binding for something to use a subset of it.

Writing up a Derelict style binding is easy enough since e.g. SharedLib struct handles most of the work (from util package).


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