On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 17:59:12 UTC, Joe wrote:
That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the initialization). So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

After a long hiatus, I'm back to working on something related to the above, but now that various other C pieces have been converted to D I'm down to converting these static arrays to D. There are two arrays that are giving me trouble. The second type is like that shown above. The first is a simpler array of pointers to int, e.g.,

int *yp = {2, 4, 0};
int *yq = {10, 12, 0};
int *ys[] = {yp, yq, 0};

In D, I first declared these as

int[] yp = [2, 4];
int[] yq = [10, 12];
__gshared int*[] ys = [ &yp, &yq ];

The compiler (ldc2) gave errors like "cannot take address of thread-local variable yp at compile time" or "static variable yp cannot be read at compile time" (when I replaced the "&yp" by "yp[0]". Eventually, I managed to get them to compile without errors by using the following:

immutable int[] yp = [2, 4];
immutable int[] yq = [10, 12];
__gshared immutable(int[])[] ys = [ yp, yq ];

I still haven't tested them (or linked them) so I don't know what other changes I'll have to make to the library (now in D) where ys is declared as:

__gshared extern int*[] ys;

Presumably changing it to

__gshared extern immutable(int[])[] ys;

should do the trick (everything is still within extern (C))? But I suspect I'll have to change several array access statements as well.

However, I've been unable to compile the other case, which now looks like this:

immutable int x1a[] = [ 9, 7, 5];
immutable(int[])[] x1 = [ x1a ];
immutable(int[])[] x2a = [ 1, 3, 5];
immutable(int[])[] x2 = [ x2a, x2b ];
__gshared immutable(int[])[][] xs = [ x1, x2 ];

The error is like "static variable x2a cannot be read at compile time". It seems like I would have to wrap that immutable(int[]) within another immutable, as

immutable(immutable(int[])[]) x2 ...

and extend that to xs as well.

I'll try it later but I'd like some confirmation or better yet, pointers to where this is explained in some comprehensible way, i.e., on what can you apply an address operator or array subscript and when, is the behavior differerent for immutable, const, static, thread-local and why?

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