I'm referring to the example

Could somebody tell me, why

import mir.random.algorithm;
import std.range; //import mir.range;

void main()
{ // line 5
        size_t[] arr;
        arr.length = 42;
        arr = arr.length.iota.array;
        auto res = rne.sample(arr, 1);
} // line 10
refuses to compile?

The error message is

 Error: no property popFrontExactly for type ulong[]
 Error: template instance 
`mir.random.algorithm.RandomSample!(MersenneTwisterEngine!(ulong, 64LU, 312LU, 
156LU, 31LU, 13043109905998158313LU, 29LU, 6148914691236517205LU, 17LU, 
8202884508482404352LU, 37LU, 18444473444759240704LU, 43LU, 
6364136223846793005LU), ulong[]).RandomSample.__ctor!()` error instantiating
        instantiated from here: __ctor!()
source/app.d(9,23): instantiated from here: sample!(MersenneTwisterEngine!(ulong, 64LU, 312LU, 156LU, 31LU, 13043109905998158313LU, 29LU, 6148914691236517205LU, 17LU, 8202884508482404352LU, 37LU, 18444473444759240704LU, 43LU, 6364136223846793005LU), ulong[])
dmd failed with exit code 1.

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