//Consider this:
import std.stdio;

void main() {
    X obj = new Y;
    writeln( obj._f() );

class Proxy {
    X x;
    this(X x) { this.x = x; }
    string _f() { return "Proxy._f called"; }

class X {
    auto opDispatch(string f, Args...)(Args args) {
        Proxy p = new Proxy(this);
        return mixin("p."~f~"(args)");

class Y : X {
    string _f() { return "Y._f called"; }

Presumably the presence of obj._f()in main causes the compilation of a function _f() in the class X, yet the function _f() in Y that inherits it merely shadows it; the keyword override cannot be used for this function.

opDispatch is special in that it allows for functions to be added to a class or struct when undefined overtly but used elsewhere but it seems those functions sadly are final.

Can anything useful be done to remedy the situation?

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