On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 13:17:05 UTC, aliak wrote:

Ah. Is there any case where you would not want to do that when you have a T value as parameter?

Hypothetically, yes, e.g. an object that contains references to itself. However, D operates on the assumption that you don't have such objects. And even though it can't be statically checked, move and swap do actually perform this check at runtime in debug builds. Operating under that rule, it should be legal to move any values that are passed to you. In fact, I postulate that it *must* be done instead of making copies. Unfortunately, Phobos doesn't agree.

struct S {
    int x;
    this(this) { x++; }

import std.stdio;


I would expect that to print S(0). However, it doesn't, which is sad.

And, what if it's "this()(auto ref T value)"? Then moving could be dangerous if the parameter was passed as a ref. Or maybe it just wouldn't compile?

In that case moving indeed could be dangerous since you'd be modifying caller's state. A workaround is indeed to have different signatures or use `auto ref`. The constructor example in this thread doesn't fully address the difference between copying and moving though, because it's dealing with initialization. A more practical example is an actual container, like an array (simplified for brevity):

struct Array(T) {
    T[] memory;
    size_t size;

    void append()(auto ref T x) {
        static if (__traits(isRef, x)) {
            import std.conv : emplace;
// copy-construct. Note that this is different than doing
            // memory[size++] = x;
// because that will call opAssign instead of initializing + postblit
            emplace(&memory[size++], x);
        } else {
            import std.algorithm.mutation : moveEmplace;
            moveEmplace(x, memory[size++]);

That's different from the example being discussed, since assignment inside a constructor gets special treatment:

struct Container(T) {
    T data;
    this()(auto ref T x) {
        static if (__traits(isRef, x))
data = x; // this assignment is initialization, so emplace is not needed, copy is being made
            moveEmplace(x, data);

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