On Thursday, 3 January 2019 at 04:57:57 UTC, Me wrote:
On Thursday, 3 January 2019 at 00:23:50 UTC, greatsam4sure wrote:
On Wednesday, 2 January 2019 at 21:46:57 UTC, bauss wrote:

Error: linker exit with status 1
Dmd failed  with exit code 1

This is all the compiler emit

Windows 10 --- got it
VibeD project --- got it
Error --- got it

What exactly were you trying to do? What you have given so far offers no incite. Try providing a bit more information, offending code, cli command and associated arguments used, etc...

Really don't know the cause.  All dependence are up to date.

No offending code to the best of my knowledge.

All I did create a vibe.d project using dub unit HelloWorld --type=vibe.d

After which run the program in 's code using dub.

All dependence compile but after showing linking, it will throw link error.

I have run vibe.d project before. It just straight forward

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