On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 05:14:20 UTC, Sobaya wrote:
I want to get a mangled name of a D function by `core.demangle.mangle`, but I'm in trouble because there are no ways to express a type of a function, which is used for a template argument of `mangle`.

For example, it is wrong to use the type `int function(int,int)` to express the type of `int add(int,int)`. Because it expresses the type of a function POINTER, not just a function.

The fuction name in a binary compiled this function is "_D3addFiiZi", but `mangle!(int function(int,int))("add")` returns "_D3addPFiiZi", which includes "P" meaning POINTER.

How can I get the former one?


import std.stdio;
alias int*  PINT;

void main()
        auto x= Add(1,2);

private PINT Add(int a,int b)
        return cast(PINT)(a+b);

////////////////CODE END//////////
It works ok.

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