On Sat, 2019-02-16 at 13:35 +0000, Ron Tarrant via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I finally got a Linux Mint installation happening (very 
> impressed, BTW) and did the usual HelloWorld.d compile with dmd, 
> but I'm having trouble working out how to link to GtkD.
> dmd -de -w -m64 -L+gtkd hello_gtkd_world.d

The Debian/Ubuntu/Mint way of doing things is either to just use Dub, or to
install  libgtkd-3-dev and then use pgk-config to determine all the correct
options – I usually use the packaged libgtkd-3 since it a shared object so you
don't have to suffer the static linking on every build. But I also only use
LDC I don't use DMD.

The commands:

    pkg-config --cflags gtkd-3
    pkg-config --libs gtkd-3

deliver up the flags and libs specifications for use with dmd and ldmd2.

> says it can't find MainWindow which tells me the gtkd libraries 
> are not installed, are not included in the path, or some other 
> oversight on my part.
> I tried using whereis to find gtkd, but to no avail.
> Questions:
> 1. Am I using the right syntax in the above command line?

'Fraidn not.

> 2. How to search for things on Linux Mint

It's all down to pkg-config for querying for flags and options for installed

> The recommendations I've found so far are for the gnome search 
> tool which spits out an error:
> Package gnome-search-tool is not available, but is referred to by 
> another package.
> This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
> is only available from another source

Pass, sorry.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
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