On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 21:00:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I haven't run the code but which pointer is null? Try adding
I mean `this` by "this" word. You can see that `this` is null if you run gdb and before that line make `p/x this` [0]
this check as well:

  auto node = this.list.getFisrtFreeOrAdd(memViewLen);
  assert(node !is null);

I get segfault in `getFisrtFreeOrAdd` method. Before the line I have an assertion [1]. It looks like the program misses (I have no idea how) `list` object while calling its method `getFisrtFreeOrAdd`.

[0] https://github.com/ANtlord/deadmemory/blob/master/src/deadmemory/freelist.d#L56 [1] https://github.com/ANtlord/deadmemory/blob/master/src/deadmemory/mem.d#L19

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