On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 03:26:05PM +0000, Victor Porton via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> On Tuesday, 12 March 2019 at 09:05:36 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
> > template FieldInfo(T) {
> >     template FieldInfo(Nullable!(T) default_)
> >     {
> >         enum FieldInfo = 0;
> >     }
> > }
> > 
> > seems to work, but I can't seem to instantiate one of it.
> Why you use the same name "FieldInfo" for both the template and its
> subtemplate? Does it make some sense?

This is a D idiom called the "eponymous template".  Whenever the
template contains a member of the same name as the template, it's an
eponymous template, and you can refer directly to the member by the
template name, rather than using templateName.memberName.

For example, a template function is usually written like this:

        ReturnType myFunc(TemplateArgs...)(RuntimeArgs args...)
                ... // implementation here

This is actually shorthand for the eponymous template:

        template myFunc(TemplateArgs...)
                ReturnType myFunc(RuntimeArgs args...)
                        ... // implementation here

Similarly, when you write:

        enum isInputRange(T) = hasMember!(T, empty) && ...

that's actually shorthand for:

        template isInputRange(T)
                enum isInputRange = hasMember!(T, empty) && ...

The eponymonus template idiom allows you to use a single name to refer
to both the template and the member. Without this idiom, you'd have to
use the very verbose notation:

        static if (isInputRange!T.isInputRange) ...


        auto retval = myFunc!(A, B, C).myFunc(1, 2, 3);


It won't be covered in the book. The source code has to be useful for 
something, after all. -- Larry Wall

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