Is it possible to create a D module that has functions in it, and then use those functions dynamically at run time emulating DLL like functionality?


module MyDL;

import Context;
export void foo(Context)


module UseDL;
import DL;
import Context;

void main()
    DL.Load("MyDL.dl"); Context);

    // or
DL.Loadable("MyDL.dl"); // monitors changes and reloads the function safely when a change is detected. This might require some work to make safe. Context);


The idea here is to simply be able to call external code that can be hotswapped and such. It requires dealing with relocatable code, GC, etc.

It would be portable and non-windows specific and just work.

dmd and ldc of course do not output anything that is reasonable as they use the traditional non-portable formats. This leads me to think that without modifying them, I'd have to extract the code from the DLL/SO and deal with all the problems and then generate the .dl file.

The idea is to create simple way to "script" D programs and use the D compiler to compile the functionality. It won't be as fast as an interpreter but it will have full speed.

I'm just not sure what would be the best way to generate the code and do the fixing up.

I'd be willing to hack on the dmd compiler to try and get it to generate a more sane file for this process if someone could point me to some details.

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